Friday, 30 April 2010

Two kids + bad cold = bad day

Don't you just hate that weird feeling you get at the back of your throat that means you have a cold coming?

Just over two years ago (i.e. PB or pre-baby) a part of me quite liked having a cold. The prospect of a few days in bed, eating chocolate, watching trashy TV and reading even trashier fiction made the head ache and sore throat not just bearable but, with enough sympathy, even part way enjoyable. Now add a demanding toddler and a cranky baby into the mix and it's just not like it used to be!

A good friend of mine has suggested spending the afternoon on the sofa letting the toddler watch TV and cuddling the baby, but clearly she does not know my toddler too well. TV? Hah. I wish. Most mothers in the competitive baby circles I skirt are to be found bemoaning the television and discussing ways to get the children away from it - not me. If I could get her to watch even half an hour I'd be thrilled. She never even makes it through the credits before she's up, up and away wanting more exciting and, frankly, exhausting forms of activity.

Life in the country is as Scottish as ever today, as through one window I have lashing rain and through the other bright sunshine. Making it a little tricky choosing what to wear. Still, that surely has to be good for the veggies?

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